Uses of Shattered Glass
When you gaze upon the shards
Of shattered windows
Or fine crystal that slipped from your hand,
Do you sweep it, crestfallen, into trash,
Thinking only that it can now draw blood?
Or do you see in its shimmering,
And razor-sharp edges
The light of possibility?
Neither Here Nor There
Fire lilies flame before us
under long lush oaks,
their shade, and seeping
glints of sun. And wisps
of breeze, midsummer.
But Mom, in her large-wheeled chair
Dwells elsewhere.
Let Me Take You Somwhere Else
Let me take you somewhere else:
Hand in hand, on distant sand
we’ll stroll past ocean’s remnants
as they glisten in the winter sun,
and listen to songs of the sea—
The surf that whispers,
Shhhhh—as a mother to a child
Would say, “Be still. Do you hear?”
Where Shall I Kiss You?
Where shall I kiss you?
Shall I begin on your spring-soft cheek
And make you blush
A surge of innocence?
Shall I brush my lips
Against your neck,
Breathing hints of pleasures yet to come?