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Let me take you somewhere else:

Hand in hand, on distant sand

we’ll stroll past ocean’s remnants

as they glisten in the winter sun,

and listen to songs of the sea—

The surf that whispers,

Shhhhh—as a mother to a child

Would say, “Be still. Do you hear?”


Or else:

Together alone

In winter woods we’ll walk

On autumn’s soft remains, which

In concert with our strides,

Say shhhh, shhhh, shhhh,

Reminding us to listen

To the silence of the rocks.


Or else:

Through city streets,

Where we’ll retreat

Among the towers

To watch humanity in motion,

Eight million yearnings

Among the lights and hum

Descending at last by fire

In some small café.


Or else:

We needn’t move at all.

Be still, and let me take you

somewhere else

into the land


when two minds mingle

at the apex of communion.

A simple gaze.

A touch.

A darkened room is all

we need to begin the journey. 

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